Winter Safety and Preparation

With the cold weather upon us, now is the time to ensure your building and properties are prepared. Winter always brings specific risks like increased opportunities for property damage, high energy bills and even personal injury. Take the time to prepare your affiliate, and you’ll be able to decrease risk this winter.   Preparing your Building for a Winter Storm Throughout the winter season, it [...]

By |2024-03-20T21:14:19+00:00February 24, 2021|ReStores, Safety Managers|0 Comments

Take the Stress out of Cold Stress

Working outdoors can be just as tough on the body during the winter as it is during the summer. While hot weather carries the risk of heat stroke, winter weather can result in cold stress. Cold stress is a condition that occurs when a person's body can no longer maintain its normal temperature, resulting in serious injuries such as permanent tissue damage or death. It's [...]

By |2024-03-20T21:14:19+00:00February 10, 2021|Safety Managers, Volunteers|0 Comments
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